A.C. “Union of Agrinio”
This is probably the most “popular” Department of the Union of Agrinio, which is often requested to correct third parties’ errors and omissions

This is probably the most “popular” Department of the Union of Agrinio, which is often requested to correct third parties’ errors and omissions

Subsidies’ Department

The subsidies’ sector is crucial for the farmers. The Union of Agrinio is a model operator on this sector, an operator that every time completes the established procedures with due diligence, so that the possibility of delay due to mistakes or omissions by our side is excluded.

The Subsidies’ Department, adequately staffed with a fully trained personnel, mainly undertakes the IACS declarations, the Compensatory Allowance and the VAT refund.



Regarding the perplexed IACS procedures no mistakes are allowed

The Integrated subsidies Administration and Control System (IACS) is basically a type of agricultural land register, referring to the person in charge of the parcel’s exploitation. The System was created, according to European directives, so that the financial aid/subsidies, that the Community offers, do reach its intended beneficiaries.

Identification, codification and digitization of the above-mentioned parcels is carried out by the trained crews of the Union of Agrinio, using the new cartographic base of the Greek Payment Authority of Common Agricultural Policy (hereafter OPEKEPE) and a specific software.

The Union of Agrinio is a pioneer in this area as well, as it fully or supportively undertakes the handling of IACS declarations not only in Aetoloakarnania region, but in several parts of the country as well.

More specifically, the Union collects, processes and records the Greek Agricultural Insurance Organization (hereafter ELGA) rearing and cultivation requests-declarations of the producers and on this basis the correspondent subsidies, direct and indirect, are granted. The IACS process constitutes a necessary prerequisite so that the rights’ activation requests, that the farmers are every year required to submit, can then follow.

The experience and good organization, that the Union of Agrinio possesses, contribute to the quick integration, with beneficial consequences for the rural population of the region.

Contact: (0030) 2641.0.69013-69034



It is our firm intention to offer the producers the proportion that they deserve

The compensation is the aid to farmers located in disadvantaged, mountainous areas as well as relocating farmers, aiming to compensate for the problems that permanent natural handicaps in their areas create. The measure’s purpose is the eve of the residents in these disadvantaged areas and the continuation of their productive activity. Beneficiaries of the measure are natural and legal persons who meet the following conditions:

  • They are farmers, legal owners and leaders of an agricultural exploitation unit.
  • They are permanent residents of mountainous or unfavorable areas or area with specific problems or they are relocating breeders.
  • They are adults with full legal capacity and have not exceeded 65 years of age.
  • They must own and operate at least 20 decares of utilized agricultural area, including that of pastures.
  • Family incomes of extra-agricultural origin do not exceed the income defined by the Minister of Rural Development and Food.

The Union of Agrinio and the Subsidies Department undertakes completing and sending the relevant lists to the departments in-charge of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, as well as to OPEKEPE, containing all the necessary details about the type of crop or livestock, so that the proportionate, in each case, subsidies reach all the beneficiaries.

Contact info: (0030) 2641.0.69025

VAT return


Fully organized so as not to have any delays

Based on current legislation, special status farmers are entitled to VAT return, after the offset has been carried out by the services of the Ministry of Finance, depending on the supply of agricultural products and the agricultural services they offer. The Union of Agrinio and the according organized VAT Department collects and logs all return sales tax invoices for agricultural products and services, undertaking the procedure for reimbursement of the sum each producer is entitled to.

Contact: (0030) 2641.0.69018