A.C. “Union of Agrinio”
Bearing antioxidant and anti-aging properties, kiwi has rightfully gained consumers worldwide

Bearing antioxidant and anti-aging properties, kiwi has rightfully gained consumers worldwide

Producing kiwifruit in Aetoloakarnania over recent years has proved to be profitable for those who have opted for this crop.

Producing kiwifruit in Aetoloakarnania over recent years has proved to be profitable for those who have opted for this crop.


The fertile soil and microclimate of our region gives a special flavor to the place of kiwi confirmation. Balance modern facilities plantations with protection for hail, ensuring consistent product quality.

The cultivated area amounts to about 900 acres, with the most to being organic. The average yield is 3-4 tons / acre, while, in addition to our 20 producers, there is constant collaboration with producers in different regions, which help to increase the quantities via "Acheloos" Cooperation promoted in the European market and not just states.

The varieties grown are the Hayward and Tsechelidi. The producer price stood at 0.40-0.50 euro. The calendar application of the final product covers the entire period from early October until May.

The kiwi is a fruit full of vitamins and valuable for our body elements. Eaten pleasant all year and just one kiwi counts for a whole portion of the 5 a day you should eat fruits and vegetables!

Kiwifruit is rich in potassium. In fact it contains the same amount of potassium found in bananas. They are rich in vitamin C as well. With a single kiwi, the recommended daily amount of vitamin C is over-covered!  Oranges may be known for their content of vitamin C, but the kiwifruit contains a much larger quantity.

Kiwifruit is also an excellent source of vitamin A, and vitamin E, which is essential for healthy and shiny skin!

Also, the small black seeds in kiwi is rich in omega-3 fats, which are very important for good heart health.

Kiwifruit is also an excellent natural source of folic acid.

 Kiwi and health benefits:

The product is mainly exported to EU countries. The quality of the production in Aetoloakarnania is excellent.

The product is mainly exported to EU countries. The quality of the production in Aetoloakarnania is excellent.

  • Digestive system: Kiwifruit is rich in fiber. Thus effectively combats bloating and constipation. Still, studies linking the consumption of kiwifruit to rapidly reduce risk of cancer in the colon.
  • Antioxidant properties: Kiwifruit contain large amounts of antioxidants. Vitamin C, which contain abundant is one of the most important water-soluble antioxidants and protects our body against free radical formation.
  • Asthma: Research has shown that regular consumption of kiwifruit in conjunction with a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially protects children from the onset asthma attacks.
  • Chronic diseases: As with other fruits and vegetables, the regular consumption of kiwifruit, helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes type 2 and obesity.
  • Vision: Kiwifruit is rich in lutein. The kiwifruit have one of the highest concentrations of lutein compared to other fruits and vegetables and investigations showed that help prevent ophthalmological problems and deterioration of vision associated with age and time.
  • Cholesterol: The kiwi, like all fruits and vegetables, when  systematically consumed effectively reduce bad cholesterol, fortifying the heart and vascular our system.