A.C. “Union of Agrinio”
The producers feel safe, when the Union of Agrinio sees the procedures through.

The producers feel safe, when the Union of Agrinio sees the procedures through.

Stock raising facilities licensing

The classification of stock raising facilities is based on the type of building structures and their capacity.

  • A stock raising facility includes: the animal capital and the total of fencing facilities, buildings, courts and storehouses, the latter including drainage systems, waste processing and biological wastewater treatment systems, water transport and provision facilities, that generally facilitate the purpose and operation of the whole stock raising facility. The term “stock raising facility” also includes pig holding poultry farms facilities.
  • Facility license is the license that concerns the infrastructures of every category of stock raising facilities, upon which the whole operation of the stock raising facility is based.

The Union of Agrinio, directly adjusting to the current developments, has appropriately organized the Agricultural Research Department, which the producers can address for information and granting of facility licenses of stock raising units. This way all the necessary procedures are put through rapidly and safely, on behalf of the stock raiser, until the final issuing of the license, which is a prerequisite for the producers’ integration to agro environmental aid programs.